Monday, September 8, 2014

Aftermath of going live

Alright, it's only been a day that I've officially had my podcast up and open to the public. The response has been really awesome, with lots of people at least looking at my blog. Thanks to everyone that gave it a chance, hopefully they will stick around for the first few at least. But I want some feedback, either on my FB page or better yet on my blog. I had one person from Poland look at my blog. Obviously they took a wrong turn somewhere. I'm excited that the first one is up, and even more excited to get people to hear my first guest.

So here's my question to you, faithful followers of the Brace Face Podcast. What guest would you like to hear on the podcast? Anyone famous, alive, dead, or more practical. Leave me some comments and give me some suggestions. I'd love to have mc Chris on, I think that would be the pinnacle for me, as he's my favorite artist.

Shout out to Fritz also, for being the best producer I've ever had. Much thanks, Many wow.

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